Olga Venzhega

Olga Venzhega was born and raised in Ukraine. She currently lives in Germany. Olga made your first doll in 2008, and all her creations are unique and one of the kind.

Olga is a regular participant of  major international exhibitions such as "Art Dolls" (Moscow , Russia ), "Time of Dolls" ( St. Petersburg , Russia ), "Teddy Land 2" ( Kiev, Ukraine), "Fashion Doll" ( Kyiv, Ukraine ), "Doll spring" ( Münster , Germany ), "Fusion Doll" ( Baku, Azerbaijan ), and many others.

In 2012, Olga had her first personal exhibition: " The illusion of reality" within the walls  of the specialized metropolitan gallery "Parsuna Doll Gallery" in Kiev, Ukraine. 

Her author`s projects  were on displays of various art galleries exhibitions of Ukraine, as well  Awards :

- "Doll of the Year " by the magazine "The Puppet Master" , ( Moscow, Russia ) 2009 and 2010
-  "The best doll" in the project with  International Doll Makers Association (IDMA), ( Moscow, Russia ) 2013

Many of Olga's dolls have been presented in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Israel, Japan  and USA.


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